Your Trusted Growth Advisors

— Long-term growth and sales consulting centered around customer value and demand-side sales.
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Bewegtbild für Medien wo die meisten Menschen sind: Internet


Videos erzählen emotionale Geschichten, bei denen Bedürfnisse des Betrachters geweckt werden.


Wichtige Fakten verfestigten die Botschaft und unterfüttern die Emotionen des Videos.


Mit digitalen Medien können alle, inkl. deiner Kund:innen dich so gut wie nie zuvor kennenlernen und Vertrauen fassen.


Die alte Kunst des Storytelling um Neugierige zu wecken und Spannung zu erzeugen. Angepasst und optimiert auf jeden Kanal.

Two Issues of the Customer Centroid Magazine stackedTwo Issues of the Customer Centroid Magazine stackedTwo Issues of the Customer Centroid Magazine stackedTwo Issues of the Customer Centroid Magazine stacked
Empathy is the most important quality for salespersons. Listening and understanding cannot happen without having it. watcha think? #sales #salestok #customercentric


Mein Ziel als Regisseur ist es ein stimmiges Ganzes zu produzieren. Wenn ich Schauspieler, CEOs, und auch Sie bei der Ausgestaltung ihrer Charaktere unterstütze und anleite werde ich genauso künstlerisch tätig wie bei der Dramaturgie, Sprache und Musik. Die Ästhetik des Werks, ist dabei nur ein Aspekt meiner Arbeit als studierter Regisseur. Technische und Künstlerische Teams zu motivieren, zu leiten und zu koordinieren gehört genauso dazu.


DoP & Kameramann

Als Kameramann habe ich direkten Einfluss auf die Erschaffung aller visueller Elemente. Die Technik des guten Filmemachens, das Auge fürs Wesentliche, die Voraussicht für den Cut und Postproduktion und das tiefere Verständnis und Einfühlungsvermögen machen umwerfende Ergebnisse aus: Stories die bewegen, Geschichten die zum Tun animieren.


Digital Media

Content konsumieren wir heute vornehmlich im Digital realm. Mit Berlins neue Kinder 🧒 haben wir eine Digital Media Agency für Bewegtbild gegründet die digitale Inhalte am Puls der Zeit produziert und Kampagnen fährt die garantiert Ihre Zielgruppen mitreißen.

Berlins Neue Kinder


Don't expect your Social Media do be everything. Rather think about the relationship you want to build and think about the post-click experience.

Logo TikTok SVG


SalesTok GrowthTok
The Concept of Scale is so fascinating because it goes beyond yourself and your observable universe by definition. It's no longer about me or my idea.
Portrait Bastian Moritz


Fractional EVP of Inbound Strategy & Growth

Your Trusted Growth Advisor

Bastian Moritz

Named “New-Web Entrepreneur” by the European Commission “Future Internet” Initiative, accepted for the Erasmus for Entrepreneurs, the infamous Stanford Technology Entrepreneurship program and multiple YC applications later our startup was still not a unicorn 🦄

But, what was still the case: every time I looked up from the screen and tilted my head to the side to organize my thoughts, squeezing my eyes shut to concentrate, my gaze inevitably fell on the bookshelf above my desk. And there it was: The Startup Owner Manual.

In the meantime, a few more books had been added. But that didn't change the one inconvenient truth: we have no venture capital money—we need sales, we need someone to use our product, find value in it and therefore pay us. Because Sales comes from providing value to your customers, not growth hacks, not fancy marketing, not the best product in the world, not tradeshow, conferences or award shows, not studying books, YouTube videos, courses and reading articles.

If you don’t make what people want and give them opportunity to change their lives with your product, then you have no business yet.

And then you have to find other people, and more of those people and you find yourself not knowing why exactly is that they bought? What actually is the value we provide for them? How exactly do we repeat that sale?

Every startup phase is about finding that out. A startup is a temporary organization on the mission to find a repeatable and scalable business model. That is true for every innovation. If you don’t have a business model, if you don’t have someone who can use your product it is just art. Whether that is your patent, or your software or your innovative marketing. If you don’t want to serve anybody, if your customers don’t understand you, if your audience comes last, then you are an artist. Which is perfectly fine. But don’t let anybody tell you that there is no sales necessary if you want to have a non-for-profit or a for-profit organization to make an impact and leave this world a better place.
Sales is the process of proving repeatable value over and over again, to either the same person, a similar audience or to new people who have a similar challenge, a comparable job-to-be-done.So what is the Startup Owners Manual about and how does it apply to your growth?

It is about finding the people who want your product and making the product people want by leaving the building and talking to them. Learning from them. Gathering the real world data and then making your own opinionated decisions. Take these assumptions of yours, put them to the test, iterate and growth will be inevitable.

This is how you grow data-driven;
this is how you grow sustainable;
this is how you grow customer-centric.

The hardest part now is finding the people you want to serve.

I help people like you who want to make the world a better place to lay a customer-centric foundation so you can have a bigger impact. Let’s work together.

We’re hiring!

Meet our team

Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do your best work.
Powerful Collaborations across Expertise Areas


We believe in the power of collective brilliance and synergistic partnerships. Discover our network of collaborators who help us provide comprehensive solutions for all your business needs.
Voices Enlightening the World with Customer-Centricity


Step into the realm of customer-centric wisdom. Meet the contributors who enrich our publication "The Customer Centroid" with their knowledge and expertise.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.

Bastian Moritz


Our mission

Empower impact on scale, by providing those optimists who are crazy enough to make our worlds better places with the actionable strategies that help them with more people taking actions.
On this mission, I help you as your fractional VP of Sales & Growth.

01. Introductory Call

We have to click.

And I must know about your most critical business opportunity to see if I can help you.
Some call me Mentor, some call me coach, I think of myself as an advisor. Long-term, cross-functional, lateral-thinking. I help you to get to results that grow your business. Results that grow your most critical business opportunities through new revenue = sales.
Think of me as your fractional VP of Sales and Growth

02. Advisory

The goal is to grow your most critical business opportunities through new revenue = sales. We’ll achieve that in workshop sessions – spending the time working. Where we will gain clarity, define strategies and get very tactical about how you achieve your critical objectives right now and that set you and your team and organization up for growth. These work on a quarterly retainer basis.
I only work with long-term clients and pre-paid retainer billing which creates the most value to you, because it creates predictable workloads and revenue for me maximizing capacity to think about your specific problems.